The first step to figuring out your Christmas decorations is finding the right tree and determining where to place it. Of course other decorations are equally as important, because there is really no need to have an undecorated tree inside the house. Still, the Christmas tree has stood the test of time and continues to be the centerpiece of Christmas decoration whether it’s in your house, at the mall or even outside the mayor’s office.
Tips to Choosing the Best Christmas Trees

Not all Christmas trees are the same and therefore, your tree won’t exactly be the same as the one you saw in the magazine or at the mall. Still, you may have some ideas on the features you need, such as which ideal height works for you or whether you want the trees dense or sparse when it comes to the needles and branches. Whichever option, the best chance that you will get exactly what you are looking for is if you shop earlier for the trees. Another great trick is to plant a Christmas tree in your back yard or balcony where it can get sufficient sunlight and water. Make sure the plant is potted and well maintained so that you can use it for several years before it fully matures and requires permanent planting in your backyard.
How to Incorporate Herbs and Flowers in your overall Theme

The Christmas tree is a fir or pine plant and therefore, you can expect cones to be a central feature in décor items. Since pine is sweet smelling, try adding more scents that accentuate the fine pine scent. Herbs are a great addition to your overall decorations since they can be used to add scents, create a garland and use as part of your wreath. Therefore ensuring you have quality herbs available will save you a lot and you can also burn them at the fireplace for that nice crackle and smell.
Trying Out a Minimalist Theme

Not many people have tried a minimalist theme for Christmas. Basically the traditional image of Christmas is red and green and there seems to be little space for any other colors. However, white Christmases have become popular and it goes really well with minimalist designs. Red and white can go great together so long as the red is not too overdone. White candles can be an excellent addition to your christmas-lights and these can even stay after the holidays.
Lastly, you must not forget that food is a central pillar of the holidays. Make your kitchen stand out with some great décor choices that will draw attention to eating together as a family and enjoying the time together. Incorporate plenty of snacks and wholesome foods for the whole family and don’t forget to donate to those in need. If you remembered to plant extra Christmas trees, consider donating a few to some goodwill homes or to the less fortunate in your neighborhood.