League of Legends is a popular multiplayer online battle arena video game. The game has been around for over 10 years and is currently played by millions of people worldwide. Players use an in-game interface to control their champions, who fight against each other on a map with three lanes.
League of Legends screen tearing is a problem that many people experience. The how to stop screen tearing without vsync will help you fix the issue.
When your GPU’s frame rate is out of sync with your monitor’s refresh rate, screen tearing happens.
It’s particularly aggravating when the screen tearing renders games unplayable.
I know because I’ve been there.
The good news is that there are solutions for League of Legends screen tearing, which I’ll show you in this article.
Let’s get started!
How To Fix League Of Legends Screen Tearing

Because screen tearing may be caused by a variety of factors, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Here are several options for repairing screen tearing, along with a brief assessment of their efficacy:
G-Sync / FreeSync should be enabled.
G-Sync/FreeSync compatibility is found on the majority of contemporary gaming monitors.
Turning on G-Sync (for NVIDIA GPUs) or FreeSync (for AMD GPUs) reduces or eliminates screen tearing substantially.
These technologies enable your display to dynamically alter its refresh rate, enabling it to flawlessly sync with your GPU.
In other words, as long as your PC can operate at the same variable refresh rate (VRR) as your display, your GPU and monitor will be able to fully sync, resulting in no screen tearing and seamless gaming.
The disadvantage of G-Sync/FreeSync is that it limits your FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor; for example, 60Hz displays limit you to 60 FPS (Capped).
144Hz displays are the ideal refresh rates for League of Legends monitors, with 144 FPS being a good and steady refresh rate to game on.
Activate VSync
In most instances, it eliminates screen tearing but adds input latency.
VSync synchronizes the refresh rate of your display with the frame rate of your graphics card.
When your monitor shows a complete frame, VSync synchronizes your GPU’s frame rate with your monitor.
Turning on VSync has the drawback of introducing a significant amount of input latency.
The ‘delay’ between an action you take on your peripherals and that action being executed in-game is referred to as input lag.
In competitive games like League of Legends, even a 1ms – 2ms input latency may put you at a significant disadvantage.
So it’s up to you if you’re willing to put up with the input latency in exchange for more responsive gaming.
When VSync is enabled, some users report no input latency, so give it a try and see for yourself.
Other Techniques
The core of the issue is monitor-to-graphics-card synchronization, but there are other ways to enhance GPU performance, which may assist with screen tearing.
If you don’t have access to a G-Sync/FreeSync display or if VSync causes input latency, try the following methods:
It’s important to note that some of these suggestions may have an impact on your FPS, so try them out to see whether they remove screen tearing and keep your FPS steady.
Safe in Most Cases
- Drivers for your graphics card need be updated. AMD | NVIDIA
- In Windows, turn off Game Mode.
- Play either the ‘Windowed’ or ‘Borderless’ modes to see what happens.
Prior to playing, do a test.
- Set all of your LoL visual settings to low and gradually raise the quality, checking for screen tear at each step.
- Set your GPU’s clock speed to normal if it’s been overclocked.
- Set your monitor to normal if it has been overclocked.
If you’ve tried everything and still experience screen tearing, it’s time to update your computer, monitor, or both.
You can read more about how to choose the finest monitor for League of Legends in our guide.
G-Sync/FreeSync compatibility is available on all of the monitors mentioned, which eliminates screen tearing.
Explained: Screen Tearing/Stuttering in League Of Legends

When your graphics card refresh rate isn’t synchronized with your display refresh rate, screen tearing occurs, resulting in horizontal splits and rips.
Here’s an example from the game:
This is what players typically mean when they say a game is ‘choppy’ or’stuttery,’ implying that it is not smooth.
Most gamers believe that the greater the frame rate, the better.
While having a high frame rate is usually preferable, in this instance, having a higher frame rate may cause screen tearing since your monitor’s refresh rate isn’t synced up with your GPU’s frame rate.
This may also happen if your frame rate is lower than your GPU’s frame rate.
Without VSync, How Can I Stop My Screen From Tearing?
Buying a gaming monitor with G-Sync/FreeSync compatibility is the quickest method to eliminate screen tearing without VSync.
Input latency is introduced by VSync, but not by G-Sync/FreeSync, making them the superior option for reducing/eliminating screen tear.
Because the underlying issue is your monitor’s refresh rate not synchronizing with your GPU’s frame rate, there are no other viable methods to eliminate screen tearing without using VSync, G-Sync, or FreeSync.
The only other alternative is to update your display or computer and connect them.
Most Commonly Asked Questions
Some commonly asked questions are included below…
Why Does League Of Legends’ Screen Tear Despite Using G-Sync/FreeSync?
Even with G-Sync/FreeSync enabled, screen tearing may occur in certain situations, and the underlying reason is your FPS cap.
Screen tearing may occur if your FPS exceeds or falls below your monitor’s refresh rate, therefore it’s recommended to keep your FPS capped at the refresh rate of your display.
If you have a 240Hz display, set your FPS limit to 240.
If you feel that lowering your FPS lowers the quality of the game or causes input latency, you should disable G-Sync/FreeSync and play at a higher FPS.
Is it true that 144Hz reduces screen tearing?
Although increasing the refresh rate of your monitor will not completely remove screen tearing, it will assist to reduce it.
When you purchase a 144Hz display, you will notice an instant improvement in responsiveness.
Find a monitor with Sync technology, such as G-Sync, FreeSync, Adaptive Sync, Fast Sync, or Enhanced Sync, if you wish to minimize screen tearing.
Is AMD’s Enhanced Sync Better Than NVIDIA’s Fast Sync?
Fast Sync and Enhanced Sync are superior than VSync since they do not impose as much input latency.
As a result of the input latency, the quality isn’t as excellent as G-Sync/FreeSync.
Instead of limiting your frame rate to your monitor’s maximum refresh rate, Fast Sync/Enhanced Sync displays the most recently completed frame, avoiding screen tearing.
In addition, you may avoid input latency by increasing your frame rate. Try to get your FPS to be twice as fast as your monitor’s refresh rate.
If your display has a 60Hz refresh rate, strive for 120 FPS in-game.
This should substantially reduce your input latency.
Final Thoughts
While dealing with screen tearing may be aggravating, it is not difficult to resolve.
Understanding the underlying reason of screen tearing, which is the’syncing’ of your monitor and GPU, is crucial.
Screen tearing may be reduced or eliminated by using in-game settings like VSync or monitor settings like G-Sync/FreeSync.
Our tutorial should have provided you with some insight into how screen tearing occurs, so you’ll know what to do if it happens again while playing League of Legends.
Please let us know if any of this seems too technical for you.
We’re always pleased to assist players in better understanding their displays so they can play more effectively and enjoyably.
Have fun gaming!
League of Legends has a problem with screen tearing. This article will teach you how to fix and prevent this issue without using vsync.
How do you fix excessive screen tearing?
There are two ways to fix excessive screen tearing.
How do you fix screen tearing without VSync?
This is a common issue with many games, and it can be fixed by either turning off VSync or using a different graphics card.
Does VSync fix screen tearing?
VSync is a feature that can be used to reduce screen tearing. It does not fix it completely, but it helps.