A computer that is running slower than usual can be caused by a number of different things. This article will help you diagnose the issue and find out what might be causing it.
The why is my computer so slow windows 10 is a question that has been asked for years. The Windows 10 operating system has many features and settings that can cause your computer to run slower than usual. There are solutions to fix the issue, but they vary depending on what caused the slowdown.
If your computer is slowly getting slower and unresponsive, it might be because you have a virus.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find out what is slowing down my PC?
If you are experiencing slowdowns with your PC, the most common cause of this is a virus. A full scan can be done to find out what type of virus it is and how to get rid of it.
Why is my computer so slow all of a sudden Windows 10?
The most likely cause is that your computer has been infected with a virus.
How can I fix a slow computer?
You can speed up your computer by running it on less demanding programs.